Usually, performing inductive inference occurs in two steps. The first one consists in constructing a set of assumptions that summarize the knowledge one has about a phenomenon of interest prior to observing instances of this phenomenon. The second one consists in actually observing these instances and deriving new knowledge from this observation.
A possible question is: what principle may guide each of these steps?
A possible answer is: be as rational as possible. In other words, try to avoid inconsistencies.
Regarding the second one, it is sometimes possible to formulate the problem as a purely deductive one. Indeed, the question is "given such assumptions and given such data, what can I deduce?". For example, in a probabilistic framework, one would have a prior distribution and observations and would aim at obtaining an updated distribution. The rational way of doing this is to apply Bayes rule.
In other settings, when the assumptions are not formulated in a probabilistic language, or when the objective is to optimize some sort of worst-case performance, other rules could be used.
The point is that once the objective is clearly and formally specified, rationality naturally leads to the solution via pure deduction.
Regarding the first one (constructing the assumptions), the situation is less obvious. There are guiding principles though, which again rely on rationality.
One such principle is the one of symmetry: if there is no reason to prefer one side of a coin to the other (or to assume that both faces would have different properties), simply consider them equally probable. A more elaborated version of this principle is the principle of maximum entropy: when choosing a prior distribution over a set of possibilities, choose, among the ones that are consistent with your prior beliefs, the one with maximum entropy.
Finally, there is also the principle of simplicity (Occam's razor) which suggests to give more prior weight to the simple hypotheses than the complex ones.
However, all these principles cannot be justified in a formal way. One can surely construct settings where applying one specific principle is the "best" thing to do, but this is somewhat artificial and does not provide a justification.
Instead of proving things, I guess the best thing to do is to provide recommendations. One such recommendation is "be rational", or in other words, try to take into account every piece of evidence you may have before observing the data and to do this in a way that does not lead to contradictions and does not expose you to more risk than you are willing to accept. So in a way, inferences should take into account both your knowledge and your uncertainty and be calibrated according to what you accept to loose if you fail.
I like the idea that performing an inference is like horse race gambling: you try to get as much information you can about the horses, but you know there will always be some missing piece of information. Even if gambling is somewhat irrational, when you have no choice but to do it, better do it in the most rational way!
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