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Sergiu Goschin

Can you add an RSS feed for that page? And maybe links to other pages with similar content like Pascal Virtual Playground (http://seminars.ijs.si/pascal/)

Olivier Bousquet


I have added a couple of videos and a link to the pascal ones.

Regarding the RSS idea, I do not know a simple way to do that apart from turning the page into a blog (which means less flexibility to structure the contents), any suggestion?

Sergiu Goschin

You're right there is no simple way (to my knowledge at least). There are geeky ways to do it (embbed RSS to googlepages like these guys do at http://mcantelon.googlepages.com/home ), but it's not a 5 minutes process so instead of doing it you might as well turn it into a video-blog. It's up to you. Good luck!

Dave W-F

Another good video of a Tech Talk given this summer by a fellow Torontonian:


Olivier Bousquet

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the link.
The video is already on my video page.


Delip Rao


I wanted to download some of these videos for offline study. Clicking on the download link asks for username/passwd. Where do we register for this?


Dave W-F


Ack, sorry, I posted the wrong link. They all look the same! (There's a deficiency in "human computaton" if I ever saw one)

The talk I meant to link to was this one by David Ross:


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Volker  from Germany

ich kam durch Zufall auf diese Seite und möchte einen netten Gruß hinterlassen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr auf meiner Homepage auch einmal vorbei schauen würdet! Vielleicht wollt ihr einmal auf Sylt Westerland http://www.MeerblickSylt.de oder an der Ostsee http://www.OstseeblickHolm.de Urlaub machen?! Wir haben dort sehr schöne Meerblickwohnungen. Vielleicht bis bald einmal!
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